If you wish to get your information which is on file from Great West Life, just go to their web site and log in with your username and password, -----if you have not created one, follow the instructions on the site New User, Register now Link. Here is the site address for Great West Life 

The following forms are in the Adobe Acrobat .pdf format and you must have Adobe Acrobat installed on your machine to print them out.  If you do not have Adobe Acrobat installed you can use the link below to download and install it. (It is free).  You can use Adobe Acrobat Reader to print the forms out with your printer.

Please print out the form you require and mail it to the applicable address at the bottom of the form:-


Adobe Acrobat Reader


Great West Life Health Care Expenses Form


Great West Life Standard Dental Claim Form

If you have any problems, questions or concerns about the Extended Health Care Plan please direct your queries to:

Norm Hobbs (705) 722-3914 and Saul Koblin (416) 782 7252 are now looking after E.H.C. matters for the Pensioner Association and would be pleased to hear from you.  

Norm Hobbs

2243 Mapleview Drive East, R.R.#1

Stroud, Ont.   L0L 2M0



Saul Koblin

2 Covington Road, Suite 1209

Toronto, Ont.  M6A 3E2



Date this page was last Updated

Page Last Updated August 16, 2009 10:20:39 PM